PAVLINA – a visionary universe

PAVLINA is a cosmopolitan painter and an active part of the international Visionary Art movement since 1991. Several European museums have invited Pavlina to exhibit her works and to represent Swiss Visionary painting. After her art studies in Paris, her works have been shown in more than 120 exhibitions in Europe, the United States, Russia and Asia. Her body of work has been honored by, among others, the Sédar Senghor European Francophone Arts Prize and the Société Nationale des Beaux Arts de France. She founded the international Association Visionary Art Switzerland in 2017. The headquarter and studio are located in Montreux where she gives also art classes. 



Museum of Montreux / Villeneuve 29.03. - 03.11.2024

Echoing the exhibition "Journey to Montreux in the time of Lord Byron", Pavlina's work L'Oeil universel is on display at the Museum of Montreux for seven months, with the Villeneuve collective "Nez en L'Air".

Two of her works are printed on 120x120 cm fabric and suspended in the historical part, the Grand-Rue of the city Villeneuve as part of the collective exhibition "Nez-en l'Air". The project is sponsored by the city.


Copper Museum, Legnica, Poland 13.05. - 30.09.2023

Pavlina has been selected by the associationn "Art'Pair international" to take part in a prestigious exhibition at the Copper Museum (Muzeum Miedzi) in Legnica, Poland. It is one of the most important historic Baroque monuments in Lower Silesia. The building includes four subsidiaries: the Battle Museum, the Knights' Academy, the Silesian Piast Mausoleum and the Chapel of St. Benedict and St. Lawrence dating from 1220. The exhibition features sixty works by twenty artists and members of the association. The project is supported by the city of Legnica.


Museum L'Atelier De Grandi, Corseaux-Vevey 08.12.2022.- 05.03.2023

The Atelier De Grandi Museum in Corseaux-Vevey shows a retrospective of the last 30 years of Pavlina's career. Half of the exhibited comes from private collections.


Museum of Montreux 14.05. - 06.11.2022

The Museum of Montreux invited Pavlina and the members of the association Private P'arts to interact with the objects on display in the Museum. The exhibition is lasting for six months.


Cultural Center Maison Visinand, Montreux, Switzerland 22.10. - 21.11.2021

About forty paintings, drawings and sculptors of Pavlina are shown on almost 200 m2, as well as five water crystal photographies "information panels" of the Japanese Akiko Stein, based on the experiences of Masaru Emoto, an internationally renowned Japanese researcher.

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